
Guidelines & General Information

  1. Parents play a decisive role in the development of children in their formative years. Therefore, parents are requested to co-operate with the teachers for the maximum benefit of their children.
  2. Children and parents alike should avoid behaviour, gestures or words which are hurtful or disrespectful towards the staff of the school. Similarly, school staff are forbidden from any behaviour, gesture or words that would indicate indifference or lack of respect for students or parents.
  3. A student must carry the diary to school every day. It must have his/ her photograph and complete personal information signed by parents.
  4. The school works from Monday to Saturday. 1st and 3rd Saturday will be working for grade 5 – 10. Unexpected holidays will be compensated on certain Saturdays.
  5. Under no circumstances, will the school accept responsibility for children left outside the school before 8:00 Regular dismissal time is 2:40 pm on all working days except Friday. Dismissal time on Friday is 3 pm. There can be changes in the timings when emergency situation arises.
  6. If any parent wants to take the child before dismissal time, He/She should come to school to take the The parents who come to take their kids away from school are to wait at the reception to receive the children.
  7. Students are not permitted to leave the school until the end of the school hours except with parental authorization. Students are required to leave school when their classes are finished, unless they are  required for an after – school programme. A child who needs to leave school before the regular dismissal time can only do so upon a written  request in the Diary by the parents and only if he or she is picked up from school by a family member or by any other authorized person.
  8. Children are not allowed to wear gold ornaments, smart watches or costly accessories. The school takes no responsibility for the safety of such articles.
  9. Allergies to food or medicine, if any should be brought to the notice of the class teacher through dairy.
  10. Children should not be sent to school with the symptoms of fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, red/watery eyes, severe headache or undiagnosed rashes. Children should remain at home till they are fully cured.
  11. Children who suffer from any contagious disease will not be allowed to attend the school till they are fully cured.
  12. No reduction or refund of school and transportation fee will be made for any broken period of attendance.
  13. Parents are not allowed to enter class rooms during class hours.
  14. Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit their children or teachers in the classroom during class hours.
  15. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the school. Mobile phones if found will be confiscated. It will be returned to the owner only at the time of issuing T.C.
  16. Cosmetic and other unnecessary items including junk food will not be allowed.
  17. English is strictly the medium of instruction/communication in the campus and in the school bus. All the students are expected to converse only in English.
  18. Students should be polite and courteous. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.
  19. Any objectionable conduct of the pupil inside the school or outside the campus will invite disciplinary action.
  20. Parents/Guardians shall ensure that their child/ward devotes enough time at home to studies and assignments.
  21. In case of any concern/issue which requires a discussion with the teacher, please write it in the child’s diary indicating the area of concern, so as to arrange a special meeting with the Class Teacher/Principal.
  22. Attendance:

    • Regular attendance at school is mandatory. Parents are asked to peruse the academic The only excused absences are for sickness or exceptional family events. It is the student’s responsibility to makeup all missed works.
    • Regularity of attendance and punctuality is important in the academic progress of the child and in his/her character formation.
    • A leave-note from the parent of an absent student must be presented to the class teacher in the diary when the student returns to school.
    • A student must have 80% of the total attendance to be eligible for Proper and valid medical certificate must be produced for absence of more than six continuous days.
    • No student may leave school during the school hours unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. In the case of student’s illness while in the school, the school will call the parent. If the nature of the case requires immediate medical attention, the school will arrange the same.
    • Continued absence for six consecutive working days, without prior information to the school will result in the student’s name being struck off without notice to the parents.
    • The parent or guardian must get an out-pass signed by the Principal before taking the students out of the campus.
  23. It is the duty and responsibility of the parent or guardian to check in the school diary regarding the schedule of activities/notifications and sign it.
  24. Students are held responsible for any damage to school property. Students will be charged for all loss and damages If a child damages an article belonging to school/another student, the compensation for the same will be collected from the defaulter.
  25. Students will be responsible for any breakage or loss caused in the Any breakage or loss must be replaced at once or duly compensated for.
  26. Students are reminded that they are expected to do their part in maintaining the class rooms and the school premises clean.
  27. Students are not supposed to carry toys, items in glass containers, or other dangerous objects in the bus.
  28. Parents are asked to inform the school regarding the change of address or phone number so as to keep accurate up-to-date information of all students.
  29. Students are allowed to bring only veg items on Tuesdays and Thursdays of every week to inculcate healthy eating habits.
  30. Students will not be allowed to purchase outside School will not take responsibility of buying food from outside.
  31. Schedule the school-visit by taking appointment in Teachers cannot be interrupted during the class hours. Parents may meet the teachers between 2:40 pm and 4:00 pm on Thursday and between 9 am and 3 pm on First and Third Saturdays of every month. Parents can meet the Principal between 2.40 pm and 4 pm from Monday to Friday and between 9 am and 3 pm on 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
  32. Please mention in the diary the name and phone number of relative, neighbour or friend who can be contacted in case of an emergency, when the parents cannot be reached.
  33. The school accords great importance to arts and sports. Extensive
    training in each discipline forms the integral part of curriculum.
  34. If weather condition threatens the safety of the students it may be necessary to close school or dismiss school earlier than usual. As soon as the school makes such a decision the parents will be notified.
  35. Progress reporting: Peace International School’s method of reporting a student’s progress is considered to be the best. It is a fusion of progress reports, parental conferences and interim reports (as needed). Open house sessions are organized to ensure interaction between the parents and the teachers. Parents may review the progress of the student from time to time.
  36. All parents are requested to be alert on NEVERSKIP APP & Whatsapp so as to remain updated regularly of school announcements and activities.
  37. To serve you better, if you have any complaints or concerns regarding teaching/non-teaching staff, kindly mail us to